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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Hoarding Safety : Trip Hazards and Toe Stubbers
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Trip Hazards and Toe Stubbers

Posted: 24 February 2014 - 12:58 PM
I know this thread is a bit old but I just had to comment. I have made a ton of progress in my back bedroom and last night I walked through it to get to the bathroom in there WITHOUT stubbing a single toe!

I had to laugh at myself. Such a simple thing.
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 09:01 AM

Hi Scarlet and welcome to the message board :D

There are too many incidents for me to list of how I have been injured by all this stuff in my hoarders hoard.

Worst was when he had placed a very heavy tool on top of a mountain of stuff and it fell off and hit me in the head. :(
Posted: 27 August 2013 - 01:03 AM
hi; i'm new; thanks for being here. i'm sure we all have stories of injuries we sustained by tripping over things like phone cords, shoes, rolled up carpets, and the like. we probably also have injury stories of stubbing our toes or barking our shins or twisting our ankles or stepping on things that shouldn't be on the floor.. things like glass breakables, heavy books, too much furniture & heavy items and narrow goat trails.

one of the worst times for me was when i stubbed, and broke, my little toe when i tripped over a mosaic i had made, which was so heavy! i felt so stupid, and the poor toe never healed right, causing permanent foot problems.

i'd like to hear about others' trip hazards and how they conquered the tendency to "throw down" and leave stuff on their floors.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Hoarding Safety : Trip Hazards and Toe Stubbers

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