Carol and CM, I thought that you might find the following helpful.
I did a search of the website and found this old thread about the "buddy system."
Many of us on this website have found a buddy system to be helpful in getting us "unstuck," helping us make progress, and often even having fun doing so. Here's one way that it can work . . .
Some of us show up in the chat room. (We just sign in at the "online support group" button). If others also are logged in, then we ask if anyone wants to do some "buddy system cleanup work." Sometimes one other person on chat will join in; sometimes everyone will join in. Those doing the buddy work decide on a fixed amount of time (for instance, fifteen minutes). Each person announces what he/she plans to work on during those fifteen minutes. Then we each set a kitchen timer and go off and work for fifteen minutes. We come back at the agreed upon time and report to each other what we got done. Then we usually chat a bit and then start another round. Maybe we'll decide on another fifteen minute round, or maybe we will have decided we'd all prefer a twenty or thirty minute round. It can be much more pleasant to work together than to work alone. Also, it's nice to have someone "with you" if you hit a rough spot in your work. It can also be a great way to build a few friendships here.
I haven't done buddy work in the chat room recently, but I've done it a lot during the past year, and it has helped me tremendously.
I may be using the chat room more this week than usual. Maybe I'll see you there!