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Hoarding Help Message Boards : Motivation Needed? : I need to break this cycle
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I need to break this cycle

Friend to many
Posted: 18 April 2021 - 11:32 AM
Ugh I don't know how to break this cycle. I live in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment and I never felt at home here. I moved her from a nasty breakup and lost a child. I started here with nothing then got enough so I could get by. I had all my stuff in storage but driving a small car I CV ouldnt move much in. Then one neighbor in my unit moved out and I took all her ok furniture dishes etc to get by until I could get my nice stuff out. Yet i did get one of my units emptied bit when i did i quickly realized i had way too much for my small place. Yet i could still manage it. Time went on and a bad series of events happened and i stopped working and stopped talking care of me and my apartment all together. Then my landlord would get on my back I'd clean it up just enough and the cycle keeps on repeating itself. I've talked with this to my 2 therapists but they don't specialize in it. I want to change and I know why I hoard but how can I do this. I did start working fulltime plus which was great from not working for 2.5 years. I am making improvements mentally but not in this area. Ugh I feel helpless. Btw I dont have much if any support one or two friends and my family just doesn't understand me.
Hoarding Help Message Boards : Motivation Needed? : I need to break this cycle

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