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Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : Plastic Utensils
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Plastic Utensils

Posted: 20 June 2022 - 08:38 PM
When I had surgery, a lady came over and brought a meal and also brought a pack of paper plates and a bag of those restaurant plastic utensils! She said "this is so you don't have to worry about washing dishes while you're recovering." That was such a nice thing and we used them until I felt better. Maybe give them to someone that way?
Posted: 20 June 2022 - 07:35 PM
Hi bnice,

The fact that the utensils are accumulating means that you don't need them. Ask around about places that provide food to people in need or churches or school programs that might need them. Also - even better - try to practice asking the food places to not put them in your bag. "No plastic utensils please, I don't need them."
Posted: 20 June 2022 - 02:13 PM
So I guess I get a lot of to-go food. I have accumulated about 3 full bags of unopened plastic utensils that a lot of restaurants include with an order. Mini project, gather all of them in one place because I don't want to dispose these useful items in the trash. Now where do I put them? I kinda want to keep them in the kitchen because they are obvi food related, but my kitchen is a mess and already has too much stuff. Maybe I can put them in a room that is designated for useful stuff that I don't want to put in the trash? But what happens if/when that room becomes full? Then I think "no clear solution" and just stop! This happens all the time, about many different things. I hit a roadblock and the path of least resistance is to just stop. I'm not sure if I'm asking the right questions... but how can I achieve a different outcome and embrace it?

Hoarding Help Message Boards : The Daily Chat : Plastic Utensils

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