Hello. I hope I've found a good resource. I think I need help for myself. I've recently come to realize that I have a problem, after years of being unable to throw out my trash or clean my house. I'm 65yo(F) obese, arthritic, lethargic, sedentary, physically limited; I need to clean house, but can't deal with it (mentally/physically). I still work and my desk at work is clean and organized, but my home is piled high with empty boxes (deliveries from AMZN etc) and non-stinky bags of rubbish. I manage to throw out the stinky food waste, but I don't have the energy or motivation to deal with most of the other stuff. I admit this has been years in the making. The little bit that I manage to get done usually ends when my back starts hurting or I'm just too tired. And then I feel like "why bother"? It's frustrating and embarrassing. My dirty little secret. I don't know where to start. Can someone here help me, please?