Hello! You are not alone! Please go over to the Daily Chat and look at the What Are You Doing Today thread. You'll find one or two people who are quilters and embroiderers and other artists and crafters who also have too much stuff. I've found that creative people have trouble letting go because each item has so many possibilities. Please join us on that thread and also do some reading of the posts there. You'll see that you are not alone.
Posted: 09 February 2022 - 05:15 PM
I am new to this thread and live in an apartment. I practice multiple crafts: making dolls, crocheting, sewing, oven-baked clay, paper clay, quilling, and drawing to name a few.
I also have lots of clothes and books.
I want to turn my whole apartment into a workspace for the most part but right now its hoarding/clutter. I have not found a lot of information about hoarders who also do crafts.